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Her finder du vores seneste e-bøger og en kort introduktion til Applai.
Download vores nye e-bog og få inspiration til, hvordan I kan anvende en specialiseret AI-chatbot i jeres kommune. Læs blandt andet om:
Vores nye e-bog tager dig skridt for skridt igennem hvordan du kommer i gang med en AI chat i kommunen. Læs blandt andet om:
We are proud to collaborate with leading companies to deliver the best AI chat platform.
See in the video how easy it is to build and share your own chatbot built on Applai.
På Applai Chat kan du vælge at bruge din egen LLM i stedet for at bruge en LLM managed af Applai. Du kan også vælge at udskifte den indbyggede data storage med din egen løsning. Hvis du selv vil hoste din LLM og Storage, kan du bruge Applai Chat som interface til at indlæse data og dele din chatbot.
In just a few minutes, you'll be up and running building your own chatbot and training it for your needs.
Build your chatbot on the data sources you want. Add PDFs, sync websites, or connect to your drive.
See when your chatbot is trained on your data and test how it responds to your questions.
Your chatbot can be connected to entire websites or specific links, depending on your needs.
Invite your colleagues and control their access.
We would be happy to provide a demonstration or tell you more about the product - depending on your needs.
Tlf. 28762298
Email: contact@applai.io
Become part of the future of AI chatbots today.